Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Heart a Day for Valentines

February offers a lot of possibilities in terms of art activities for children. Being the "love month" I have decided to focus on "a heart a day activity" as our homeschool focus alongside the other activities that we have lined up for the children (will tell more about the Meet the Masters homeschool program and the eMedia for piano that we are going to introduce to Katie and Milos starting this month).

So what did we do yesterday? Backed a batch of heart shaped fudgy brownie cakes :)

What's in store for today? Something a little bit tricky but will definitely try to show to Katie and Milos even if it might seem difficult for them. Origami hearts from origami fun anyone?

Speaking of hearts, I am definitely going to take part in the Heart Project from Hands on as We Grow and the American Heart Association. Two of my personal goals for this year is to cultivate a grateful and generous spirit, and hopefully something that the kids and my hubby will also take a personal interest in.

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